Find out with our Wage Theft CalculatorWhat is Wage theft?
“Wage theft” is the failure to pay money legally owed to an employee. It covers a wide range of infractions, including:

Unpaid overtime

Off-the-clock work

Unpaid tips

Unpaid final salary

Illegal salary

And much more
Wage theft might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of “crime,” but globally it’s a massive problem. In the United States, for example, a 2017 study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) found that in only ten states, employees were losing combined $8 billion per year to wage theft.
Research has shown that wage theft is also rampant in Georgia – but studies have been limited, so no one knows the full extent of its impact. One of the problems is that most Georgians aren’t aware of their rights in the workplace, and have no idea what wage theft is.
Our Wage Theft Calculator is designed to help you understand wage theft, and to calculate how much money you may be losing. The calculator will guide you through a simple series of questions which should take about 5-10 minutes to answer. After you complete the questions, the Calculator will provide an estimate of your lost wages.
This Calculator is an educational tool that aims to estimate lost wages based on the most common forms of wage theft. It does not cover all forms of wage theft, and the results it provides should not be considered definitive or comprehensive.
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The answers you provide will be transmitted to the Georgia Fair Labor Platform for research and advocacy purposes. Your answers will remain anonymous, unless you choose to provide your name and/or e-mail address at the end of the questionnaire.